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Sunday 4 September 2022

Salpa characters classification

Salpa classification and characteristics

Classification of Salpa

 Classification of salpa

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Tunicata

Class: Thaliacea

Order: Salpida

Family: Salpidae

Genus: Salpa

Species: S. fusiformis

Geographical distribution 

Salpa is commonly found in tropical waters.

Habit and habitat: 

Salpians are highly modified and peculiar tunicates, living in the open sea with specialized reproduction. They are found on the surface and down to depths of 200 meters.

labeled diagram of Salpa

Comments of salpa

(1) Body of the animal is cask-shaped, measuring 1 to 8 cm in length, and covered by a thick test. The branchial and atrial apertures are at opposite ends. Posteriorly the test in produced into two tail processes. Below is the test in the mantle.

(2) Salpa exhibits polymorphism and exists in two phases 

(i) oozooid or asexual phase, and 

(ii) blastozooid or sexual phase or aggregate type. 

The two phases are very much alike, but oozooids are smaller in size and have a lesser number of muscle bands. Sexually produced Salpa is called a solitary type or oozooid, while alternate generation produced by budding is called an aggregate type or blastozooid. 

(3) Typical oozooid consists of branchial and atrial apertures at opposite ends. A ciliated funnel is present on the dorsal side. Nerve ganglion, dorsal lamina, and pharynx which has endostyle, peripharyngeal band gill present.

(4) Oesophagus, stomach, intestine, and gonad constitute a compact mass along the posteroventral side which is called the visceral nucleus. Muscle bands are incomplete.

(5) A stolon originates from the ventral side and it carries endostylic and mesenchymal extensions. Stolon produces buds or blastozooids.

(6) Blastozooid is a sexual phase, having paired testes and a single ovary. 

(7) Blastozooid is protogynous. Fertilization is internal. Ovum gives rise to a single sexless free oozooid.

(8) The important animal character is locomotion by propelling mechanism in which active muscle bands contract and inturned water are ejected through the atrial pore.

Special features of Salpa

 Sexual and asexual generations alternate a single adult asexually produces several hundred individuals connected to one another. Small fragments of such a chain consisting of several animals, sometimes break loose from parent. Both connected and separated individuals reproduce sexually. Each individual produces one or several eggs that remain connected to the parent by a placenta-like structure, analogous to that of higher chordates where the maternal and embryonic circulation are closely related during development. The hatching egg becomes an asexual form.

Identification of animal salpa

Since the animal contains a chain of buds, test processes, incomplete muscle bands, and the above features, hence it is Salpa.

Body: barrel-shaped with the mouth and atrial aperture at the opposite end.

transparent test.

Presence of Endostyle and pharyngeal bands.

Dorsal lamina is present and is known as gills.

On the dorsal surface, a single tentacle is present.

The Digestive system and heart are present in a spot called the nucleus.

Let us know more about Salpa:

How do salps reproduce?

A solitary salpa reproduces asexually by budding a series (chain) of clones that make light-weight. The individual salps during a bright chain stay connected as they swim; these strands of glowing strangeness will stretch quite fifty feet. The chains of some species kind complicated shapes like big wheels and even a spiral.

What is the scientific name of Salpa?

Ans. Salpidae

Q.    Which of the following set of animals belongs to the phylum hemichordate?

(1)    Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus

(2)    Salpa, Doliolum

(3)    Petromyzon, Myxine

(4)    Dentalium, Chaetopleura

Ans:    (1)    Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus

Q What is the shape of the body of Salpa?

a) Round

b) Cylindrical

c) Spherical

d) Cuboidal

Answer: b) Cylindrical

Q How many phases does Salpa exhibit?

a) One

b) Two

c) Three

d) Four

Answer: b) Two

Q Which phase of Salpa is smaller in size and has a lesser number of muscle bands?

a) Oozooid

b) Blastozooid

c) Aggregate type

d) Solitary type

Answer: a) Oozooid

Q What constitutes the compact mass along the posteroventral side in Salpa?

a) Tail processes

b) Muscle bands

c) Visceral nucleus

d) Branchial apertures

Answer: c) Visceral nucleus

Q What originates from the ventral side of Salpa and carries extensions?

a) Oozooid

b) Stolon

c) Blastozooid

d) Endostyle

Answer: b) Stolon

Q What is the sexual phase of Salpa called?

a) Oozooid

b) Aggregate type

c) Solitary type

d) Blastozooid

Answer: d) Blastozooid

Q What type of fertilization occurs in Salpa?

a) External

b) Internal

c) Asexual

d) None of the above

Answer: b) Internal

Q Which organ in Salpa is protogynous?

a) Testes

b) Ovary

c) Stomach

d) Pharynx

Answer: b) Ovary

Q What is the mode of locomotion in Salpa?

a) Flying

b) Swimming

c) Crawling

d) Jumping

Answer: b) Swimming

Q How is water ejected in Salpa during locomotion?

a) Through branchial apertures

b) Through atrial pore

c) Through muscular contractions

d) Through stolen

Answer: b) Through atrial pore

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